my future in 4 paragraphs

Hello folks,

I’m off on another round of travels. These trips seem to come in groups, which I love, but which is also a bit stressful. As many of you know, in 2005 I spent 6 months living in Honduras as a house parent for 10 children whose parents either abused them or simply didn’t want them. That ministry (the LAMB institute) has now grown to provide a permanent home for more than 60 children as well as food and education to over 200 children in a slum of the city of Tegucigalpa. The various ministries of LAMB have grown quickly and there is much to tell. So, it was with a lot of excitement (and very little experience) that I told the stateside board that I would gladly accept the challenge of filming, photographing, and creating a simple video to convey the past, present, and future of LAMB. 

So, from January 23 - 31, I will be participating in a medical missions trip to some of the poorer areas of Tegucigalpa as both a nurse and interpreter, Then, from February 1 - 6, with the help of a good friend, Courtney, I’ll be gathering as many pictures and interviews as possible and flying back to the States to put the video together (with the help of my trusty Mac helpers at One-toOne!). I will be going back to Honduras on February 19th to see the dedication of a new chapel and to the show the video, but that will be a short trip of just 6 days.

Almost immediately after the second trip to Honduras, I will be joining a group from Palmetto Medical Initiative and Seacoast Church to go to Uganda and provide medical care. This is a kind of scouting trip for see if there might be a future for me there. The dates are March 5-15 and you can expect an update about the "plan" when I return.

Then, in April, I’ll be heading to Brazil with my grandparents while they speak at a conference and travel around visiting and speaking at different churches. 

A very exciting prospect is on the horizon, one that will be life changing to say the least and which I am very excited to share. A few more details need to be finalized before I tell the story, though. (and no, I am not getting married, but it’s still pretty exciting. ;) 

Please check back over the next few weeks. I hope to post updates from Honduras and the video will be added soon as well. 

love to you all,


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